Netrunner tournament at Höchst 98


The 1st Darmstadt City Grid Tournament will be held on Saturday, 10 January, 1998 at 17. AOU-Con Hoechst 98.

(We start running in the new year :)

Time: 13:00 - 19:00, Saturday 10 January, 1998.
Place: Jugendzentrum Hoechst/Odw.
Format: Sealed deck - 1 starter and 1 Proteus booster.
Entry Fee: DM 30,- includes cards
Prizes: (not known yet - but there will be something :)
Sanctioned: By The Top Runner's Conference, the Official WotC-Supported Netrunner Fan Organisation for the Netrunner World Rankings List.
Contact: Michael Blumoehr (
Phone: Germany (0 61 55) 44 17

The AOU-Con is a gaming convention from 8.-11. January. It's a meeting of pbm-, table-top-, war- and general board gamers. This year we will held a Netrunner tournament and a Settlers-of-Catan-Card-game tournament (on Friday).

Although the registration is closed you have 2 possibilities to enter the tournaments or the convention: a) come only the day of the tournament or b) register for the con (friday - sunday) before 19. December (I'll try to get additional space in the last week of December). The costs for the con are DM 125,- (includes bed and 4 meals daily; there are discounts if you are younger than 26). For more information (in German) about the con see the URL above.

New players are welcome - demonstrations will be in the morning before the tournaments or at our regular gaming evening: each thursday at 8 p.m. in Darmstadt, Schleiermacherstr. 14-16

(see URL: for a city map)

For more informations about Netrunner visit the official "Wizards of the coast" Netrunner-webpage at or the fanpage "Top Runners' Conference" at

Information of the Settlers-of-Catan are available on the official Homepage at - special informations about the Card-game can be found at

Michael Blumoehr
Darmstadt City Grid
Michael Blumoehr                          
Spielekreis Darmstadt e.V.                              Georgstr. 1
publishing AMTSBLATT (17 years of pbm)            D-64347 Griesheim       Germany